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Apr 19, 2023

What is Phantom Cash Flow?

"Phantom cash flow" is a term used in real estate investing to describe a situation where a property generates positive cash flow on paper but not in reality. In other words, the cash flow is "phantom" because it appears to exist on paper but is not actually being generated.

Phantom cash flow can be dangerous for real estate investors because it can lead to overconfidence and overinvestment in a property that is not generating the expected returns. It can also make it difficult to accurately compare the performance of different properties and make informed investment decisions.

Failing to Account for Expenses

The most common reason phantom cash flow can appear is when the property owner does not account for all of the expenses associated with the property. For example, they may fail to include expenses such as property management fees, maintenance costs, or vacancy rates. This can lead to an overestimation of the property's income and a miscalculation of its actual cash flow.

Using Unrealistic Numbers

Another reason phantom cash flow can occur is when the property owner is using unrealistic assumptions when calculating the property's income and expenses. For example, they may assume that the property will be fully occupied at all times or that maintenance costs will be minimal. This can lead to an inaccurate representation of the property's actual cash flow.

How to Avoid Phantom Cash Flow

To avoid phantom cash flow, it is essential to conduct thorough due diligence and accurately account for all expenses associated with a property. This includes taking into account potential vacancies, repairs, and maintenance costs. It is also important to use realistic assumptions when calculating the property's income and expenses, taking into account market conditions and historical data.